
© Interpraevent Taiwan


Both keynote speech and submitted articles are incorporated in the INTERPRAEVENT 2023 International Symposium (IP2023 symposium). The keynote speech is arranged by the organizing committee with the invited speakers. The submitted articles may be presented as oral presentations or posters. The form of presentation, i.e. oral or poster, is selected by the author(s), but will be determined by the organizing committee.

✦Oral presentation

For oral presentations, please submit full-length paper to the special issue “Natural Disasters Occurrence, Reduction, and Restoration in Mountain Regions” in Water. The submissions will go through the reviewing procedure of Water. Once accepted by Water, the paper can be orally presented in the IP2023 symposium. If the submission is rejected, the author(s) may adjust the form of presentation in the IP2023 symposium.

■Full-length paper submission


For posters, please submit extended abstracts to the submission system of IP2023 symposium. After the reviewing process, the accepted submissions may be presented as posters in the IP2023 symposium. Excellent articles, which are accepted and selected by the academic committee of the symposium, will be invited as oral presentations in the symposium without an additional submission to Water.

■Extended abstract

  • An extended abstract should be 3 pages long, and include Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, and References. Please use the template for extended abstract submissions.
  • Please submit your Extended Abstract here
  • Poster size and format: Size of posters should be A0 (841 mm ×1189 mm) and be prepared as vertical typography.
  • Submission Contact